Sunday, December 28, 2008

Anyone Currently Under Your Wing?

One who "blogs" encourages others to read and comment on what they write in hopes that they might facilitate in some small way the creation of a community; albeit an on-line community. Those who by intention monitor and occasionally comment on a blog have a name in the cyber-world: followers. Does anyone else find that ironic? The post-modern -world-wide-web-world plunders a word (followers) which is as old as 1st century Christianity, and in reality even pre-dates Jesus' followers.

As the new year looms on the near horizon I am reminded that the followers of Jesus do not become followers by accident. Someone extends Christ’s love to us. Someone takes us under the wing and nurtures us as disciples - that is, by intention, seeking to assist us in becoming life-long, obedient, followers, learners, and servants of Jesus. Life-long suggests that discipleship is a process more than a destination. The primary role of a disciple is to....follow. In many circles today this intentional sharing of the journey is referred to as “mentoring”. The church is called to intentionally practice this nurturing – or mentoring in discipleship. The word used in the New Testament is “equipping”.

Author Leonard Sweet gives us some insights as to why this should be important for us today.

"We tend to forget…that the twelve disciples Jesus called
to found his movement were all lay people. Jesus had three
years to save the world. How did he choose to spend those
three years? Founding a mega-church? Launching a mass
movement?? Building a temple??? Starting a new religion????
He chose to spend what time he had training a small cell of

This training and equipping has a purpose. The purpose, as noted by the Apostle Paul is simple:

"...(so that) we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:15b-16

Obviously I welcome "followers" of my blog, but the more significant issue is this: Who am I intentionally helping to become a follower of Jesus? To whom will I extend Christ's love? Who am I willing to take under my wing and nurture in the way that is Jesus' way? New Year's resolutions will fail to make this happen. But I believe the same Spirit Who is active and visible in Jesus, is at work in me, making this calling a real possibility.

In Christ,

Jon(the methodist)

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